Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Homemade Automatic Rabbit Waterers

Gâteau Therese Dedication

Gâteau Therese

I always called my blog "scalchignato" because I can not devote my time as I would like ... tyrant is always and only "an idea in 1000 that I succeed ... ago "to be turned into action, despite this, every time I look out this window I am well received by your comments and especially by the affection and sympathy that you are showing me here or through your email. Just the other day I received a nice email from Serena, who asked me if I had the recipe for this gâteau David Lebovitz, author, and I know every time I follow his blog , but alas I have neither a book nor knew this recipe. Intrigued, I started to look for e. .. and it was love at first sight !

This simple cake and luscious Serena and I dedicate to you all ... to say thank you for your support and apologize for a little 'if not always (actually almost never say) I can come and peek in your blog and reciprocate your affection.

For 8-10 people

250g dark chocolate (50-70%)
120g butter

65g Sugar 4 large eggs (I used medium)
2 Tbsp flour (I used gluten free flour)

Preheat oven to 180 ° C and grease a loaf pan 23 cm long. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler with butter and let cool. Meanwhile beat the egg whites until stiff and when these seeds are mounted add half the sugar and continue beating until the mixture is glossy and firm. Add chocolate / butter and mix the remaining sugar. Now add the egg yolks and flour and mix well. Finally, incorporate the egg whites and mix gently from bottom to top. Pour the batter into the tin and bake for 35 'or up to that is formed when the dome is consistent feel. Remove from oven and let cool.

It 's normal to form a hollow in the center and the cracks on the surface because the beauty and goodness of this cake is just that: a crispy outside and a soft heart and a little inside .... scioglievole' like me!

A smile Thank you, but Thank you, Merci, Gracias, Danke ... and so on and so forth know,


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