Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rose Garden Floor Seating

Black Cherry Pie, Birthdays September 2010

Sour Black Cherry Cake

to our house in September is a month of birthdays .... actually are concentrated in a few days: 11, my cousin, Serena, 13, and my brother 15, my mum! When we were little the day of their birthday party (usually the Sunday before or after) an appointment was very expected because it is always a great lunch organized under the magnolia tree and were enjoying the last moments of summer together. In fact, that day represented in some way the end of the summer season in Roncaglia, and families gathered at the banquet of doing nothing. I waited for that day with trepidation but also with a touch of melancholy because soon after Tita and Lino with Se and Ve were returned to Genoa and would have started school, and one of envy because she was born in November, I could never enjoy an outdoor party all together. During this meeting september
game strength is a bit 'modified because the kids are grown up and everyone has got their own way but we always try to do party ... but no longer under the magnolia tree in the gazebo ... and I live this day, "grew up" because to me the task of preparing the birthday cake without maliconia because I finished school to be operated and without envy over the years because I realized that it is better to be a scorpion that a virgin! :)

For the cake this year was short of ideas and he also touched upon the thought of not prepare ... but then that would be no birthday cake for the candles?! So al'alba the evening before the party I started to rummage in the pantry and among the various jars of preserves and jams I found that the Fabbri cherries in syrup (which I bought just for just the jar) and without thinking I too am put to work ... even if by design this cake is one of the best I've ever done!

This is a chocolate sponge cake soaked in a wet cherry liqueur, filled with whipped cream and cherry syrup and decorated with crushed hazelnuts. CHERRY CAKE

For a mold 28cm

For the sponge cake
6 large eggs (not cold)
240gr sugar 240gr
minus 3 tbsp flour (I recommend that for Sweet Soft Molino Vigevano)
1 / 2 vanilla bean (seeds) 3 Tbsp Cocoa powder

With electric beaters, beat the eggs for a few seconds to break them and add sugar and seeds of vanilla, this prevents the formation of lumps annoying. Beat long (15 ') eggs with sugar until the mixture and' beautiful soft white, commonly called until "he writes," that is 'when dropping a bit' of this compound does not sink immediately but remains the track for a few seconds. Sift the flour with the cocoa and add 4-5 tablespoons at a time to the eggs / sugar. Stir gently from top to bottom with a whip. When the flour and 'was incorporated and pour the mixture into the cake tin and bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for 45-50', to avoid opening the oven for the first 25-30 '. Try toothpick, bake and cool completely on a wire rack. It 'good to prepare the sponge cake the day before.

For the Pastry Cream Milk 1L

4 Eggs (*)

180g sugar 60g flour 20g
1 vanilla pod

In a bowl beat eggs to break them and then add the sugar. Mount until the mixture begins to turn white and soft. Meanwhile boil the milk with the vanilla. Off and filtered. Stir in the eggs / sugar, sifted flour and cornstarch and stir with a whisk. Add milk, a bit 'at a time, put everything on fire and boil cook 3-5' in order to have a cream soda.

(*) When I want to make a cream soda use the eggs and not just the yolks. My proportions are per 500ml milk, 2 eggs or 4 egg yolks, 90-50g sugar and 100g flour (or flour and cornstarch).

For the Chantilly Cream Custard

whipped cream Whip cream and add it with a very firm and gently whisk the cream until it reaches the desired consistency. For the custard prepared I used 500ml of cream.

For Wet
cherry syrup of cherries in syrup
Ginja Cherry Liqueur (**)

of cherries in syrup and add the liqueur to taste. To have a wet non-alcoholic, so use the syrup as is, or, if it seems too sweet, dilute with water.

(**) It 's a liquor porteghese very good that you can replace with another black cherry liqueur (kirsch type) or rum.

Sour Black Cherry Cake

For assembly and decoration
Chantilly Cream
Sour cherry syrup

Cut the sponge cake into two layers and sprinkle each layer with plenty of the wet cherry. Fill the base with 2 / 3 of whipped cream and cherries sciriroppate distribute in a uniform layer but not sinking a little too thick layer of cream. Cover with second layer of sponge cake and spread on the sides and on the surface of the rest of the whipped cream and garnish with the chopped hazelnuts.

Just before blowing the candles

A smile with candles,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Homemade Automatic Rabbit Waterers

Gâteau Therese Dedication

Gâteau Therese

I always called my blog "scalchignato" because I can not devote my time as I would like ... tyrant is always and only "an idea in 1000 that I succeed ... ago "to be turned into action, despite this, every time I look out this window I am well received by your comments and especially by the affection and sympathy that you are showing me here or through your email. Just the other day I received a nice email from Serena, who asked me if I had the recipe for this gâteau David Lebovitz, author, and I know every time I follow his blog , but alas I have neither a book nor knew this recipe. Intrigued, I started to look for e. .. and it was love at first sight !

This simple cake and luscious Serena and I dedicate to you all ... to say thank you for your support and apologize for a little 'if not always (actually almost never say) I can come and peek in your blog and reciprocate your affection.

For 8-10 people

250g dark chocolate (50-70%)
120g butter

65g Sugar 4 large eggs (I used medium)
2 Tbsp flour (I used gluten free flour)

Preheat oven to 180 ° C and grease a loaf pan 23 cm long. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler with butter and let cool. Meanwhile beat the egg whites until stiff and when these seeds are mounted add half the sugar and continue beating until the mixture is glossy and firm. Add chocolate / butter and mix the remaining sugar. Now add the egg yolks and flour and mix well. Finally, incorporate the egg whites and mix gently from bottom to top. Pour the batter into the tin and bake for 35 'or up to that is formed when the dome is consistent feel. Remove from oven and let cool.

It 's normal to form a hollow in the center and the cracks on the surface because the beauty and goodness of this cake is just that: a crispy outside and a soft heart and a little inside .... scioglievole' like me!

A smile Thank you, but Thank you, Merci, Gracias, Danke ... and so on and so forth know,

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How Can I Change My Mw2 To English?

tart with figs

Fig Tart

My garden continues to produce at a time .... and we have figs! Only the other day I collected 5 kg who ended up in jam, in alcohol, rather drowned in brandy and baked in this simple tart whose only peculiarity is to have a base of pastry made with wholemeal flour and brown sugar dark. I thought this type of pastry to obtain a more rustic and to balance the sweetness of the fig tree.

For 8-10 people

150g flour 150g wholemeal flour 00

100g dark brown sugar 150g butter

1 egg (or 2 yolks) 1 pinch of salt

Figs 6-7 large

Start with preparing the pastry. In a bowl (or bowl of the mixer) to soak the butter with the flour until small crumbs. Add the sugar and the egg and work quickly to get a ball. Flatten slightly form a disk (queso facilitate the writing). Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for at least 30 '. Turn the oven to 180 ° C. Roll out the dough to 3-4 mm thick, forming a disc of about 30cm and place on plate lined with baking paper. Highlight the edges decorated with flowers (or other shapes) and arrange the figs sliced \u200b\u200bnot too thick. Bake for half an hour or until the sugar juice released from the figs are well caramelized. Remove from oven and let cool.

Fig Tart

And 'good served slightly warm with ice cream to yogurt or unsweetened whipped cream acid.

A smile and good Monday,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Occasione Mercury Optimax 150

Biscuits Maple Syrup, Nuts &

Almond, Walnut & Maple Syrup Biscotti

course I could not return from Canada without an adequate supply of maple syrup! I always thought it was a sickeningly sweet stuff that Americans (and Canadians) put on pancakes ... how wrong I was!
1) It is not sickeningly sweet aftertaste ..... even has a "wooden" very pleasant.
2) There is only used on pancakes, but in many other recipes, not just sweet .... and
3) It's good! Yes, because maple syrup, derived from the Sugar Maple (Sugar Maple), is one of the best because it is rich in sugars minerals and vitamins, low in calories and is also known for its energizing and cleansing. In fact, you can prepare a good detox drink melting in a bottle of water and a tablespoon of syrup, to taste, lemon.

These biscuits have been welcomed by my tribe although I must say that when I tasted them out of the oven just left me puzzled, finding them bitter. In fact just a few hours later they were better and the next day even more fragrant and delicious.


250g flour 100g corn flour 00
end (Foil) 1 Tsp Yeast

powder 2 eggs 1 egg yolk

1 / 2 tsp vanilla essence 100g
nuts (pecans are good too) plentiful
a handful of almonds with their skins
125ml maple syrup Pinch of salt

very coarsely chop the walnuts and turn the oven to 180 ° C. Sift flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Work the eggs and the egg until the mixture is frothy and fluffy and add vanilla. Stir in the flour, walnuts, almonds (whole) and maple syrup and stir until the mixture is consistent. If it were a bit wet add a tablespoon or two of flour and mix again. With wet hands divide the dough in two, forming two rolls, place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and flatten them until a width of 2-3 fingers. Bake for 25-30 'or until they are golden. Transfer the rolls to a cutting board and let cool for about fifteen minutes. Cut into diagonal slices 2 to 2.5 cm thick, place on plate and dip again in the oven for another 15-20 minutes to toast them but did not darken too much.

These cookies, apart from the form, do not have much to do with the nooks. They are rustic and crunchy biscuits, but also well suited to being dipped in a sweet wine or coffee .... but in the morning latte!

A smile but not too sweet,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Belikin Beer Where To Buy

Almond Cake with Peaches Amaretti Savoiardi

Peach, Almond & Amaretti Cake

Here you are my forte summer .... I know, I should propose it a couple of month ago and not when the summer (and especially, the season of peaches) draws to a close! Only this summer was unusual for me to delayed and, in the sense that I'm just enjoying the end of August. At most, keep the good for next year!

This is an easy cake to do (a test dummies), the guaranteed result and most importantly delicious! The recipe appeared in the July issue of Salt & Pepper in 2005 and since then every summer and I am referring Very often, those who test me every time a recipe calls ... you have no idea how many times I've copied that page!
But 'nuff said ....

fish cake with Amaretto & Savoy
For 8 people

Yellow peaches 800g 200g 150g
Sardinian Savoyard soft Amaretti di Saronno

80-3 eggs 100g sugar (*)
100g sliced \u200b\u200balmonds

Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Pour boiling water over peaches and let stand for one minute. Peel, remove core and slice the flesh into small-medium (I do it directly in the bowl that I use to prepare the dough so the juice recovery even peaches). Crumble the macaroons and biscuits into large pieces and add to peaches. Add the egg yolks and sugar and mix. Whisk the egg whites until they are firm to the mixture and mix gently. Pour into a mold round by 24-26cm in diameter lined with parchment paper and sprinkle with plenty of sliced \u200b\u200balmonds. Bake for 45 '(toothpick test). Allow to cool before you unmold the cake.

(*) The original recipe is about 120g of sugar per 100g and 20g of the mixture used to coat the buttered pan. I think it is too much and I will use only 80g, 90g maximum. However I would use not more than 100g.

E 'excellent lukewarm served with ice cream or unsweetened yogurt with sour cream. A smile

better late than never,

Friday, September 10, 2010

Gay Sauna Cruising Etiquette

& Jelly Apples & Peppermint

Apple & Peppermint Jelly

After filling the basket came the moment of existential question of the typical post-harvest ... "and now what do I do with all this fruit and ???"..... without resorting to too my fantasy my answer was: "simple, jam !"....
I'm not a fan of the jam ... I eat very little .... I'm not even a fan of jellies, I eat even less ... so why am I bothered, since between peel and clean the fruit and wash and sterilize the jars, this is not exactly a small job?! Because what I like much is the feeling I get when I go into the pantry and find a nice band of jars of all shapes and sizes who speak different colors and scents of summer ... the sun and blue sky. I do not know how to explain it is possibly an ancestral feeling ... but "my jars" make me feel at home, safe and secure.
Then this year are no longer my own but our ..... and it is nice to say .... our jars ....

For this recipe I was inspired by several books, one for all is to Chistine Ferber, Mes Confitures , my favorite.

1.5 kg apples (I used those in my garden, but the rabbit Granny Smith)
1.5 L Water
500-750g sugar juice of 1 lemon
1 bunch mint

Wash in cold water and apples without peeling them, divide them into quarters cored. Put them in a pot, cover with water and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Turn down and let simmer for 30 ', or until apples are cooked. With a fork, a spoon and crush well in order to obtain a puree and add the sprig of mint and leave to stand for 15-30 '. Now pick the juice, filtering out the fruit through a sieve with a dense grid by pressing lightly but not too much otherwise the jelly will be opaque. If you want to get a nice clear jelly, strain a second time using the colander lined with cheesecloth.
To prepare the gelatin in a saucepan combine 500-750g of sugar (the amount depends on your personal taste) for every liter of juice and lemon juice. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and boil for 10-15 'minutes. Check the freezing point. Place a few mint leaves in each jar (sterilizzato!) and when the jelly pot and is ready to close immediately and wait to form a vacuum. When
gelatin is almost solidified, invert a few times to distribute the mint leaves.

Apple & Peppermint Jelly

I filtered twice, but next time I'll do it once.
This jelly is really good and the mint helps to break the sweet note. It can also be used to polish the fruit tarts or apple, in which case maybe you should leave it natural without the addition of mint, or spice it, nothing prevents another way ....

A smile under glass

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pedestal Fans How Much Watt

90's - Leg III

do not know if the challenge from Laura
is still valid ... I go on! I printed the photos, the idea I have the album, the years of scrapbooking I like ... What I want more? .... A few hours a day to devote to scrap? ... eh! Maybe! :-)

Okay, no more gossip, this is 1991 ... understand what has happened to me? :-)

This too has a very simple realization: base buffered with Distress Ink, title made with adhesive letters, but with the date stamps, as well as the bride and groom. The Distress Ink I used to buffer the lace at the bottom of the photo. The flower, an adhesive is mounted on cardboard and then with adhesive thickness. The entire perimeter of the page is buffered with the ink.

Ed here in 1992. Lined pages pasted on the base, with matt cardboard picture instead to avoid contact with non-acid-free paper. The infill of the green at the base should give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe lawn, not to ... I know. ... Maybe next time I do best! :-) The rest of the page buffer is written in red ink and made by hand. Very easy and fast!

the next step!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Talk To Patients With Subclavian Steal Syndrome

Vesuvius with mussels and zucchini flowers

Have you seen how they lower the temperature? At least here in Rome in the evening and morning are just september. During the day, however, the sun heats up, but in any case, the brisk air feels!

Maybe that's why I was surprised yesterday when the market I found the pumpkin flowers. It 's true. Today we do not be surprised about anything, including greenhouses and imports throughout the year there is everything on our plates. But I disagree wholeheartedly. Apart from the environmental, importer, peaches from Argentina in December (it's an example, I really do not know if the amount of: -0) I find psychologically that eating with the seasons is more satisfying. Apart from that, I think, peaches in August, they taste much more good in December! :-)
On this I'm lucky. I have close to home, small grocery shops that provide the products according to the seasons and according to their production. The peas in the spring? A week. Then Kathy and Mimmo (the so called Fruttero) and ends them talk about it next year!
Anyway back to the pumpkin flowers, the seller assured me that veninvano from Calabria ... and are not as versed with pumpkin flowers to contest the claim. Maybe it's true! Some of Calabria in passing that I learned? : -0
fact is that in seeing them then I got a craving for pasta ... But with a little more! And ... DA - DA! Mussels!

Here is our dinner yesterday: Vesuvius (but you can make the plural? Mah! However, it is a pasta shape of Afeltra Gragnano) topped with mussels and zucchini flowers.
First, the mussels have opened and saved, filtered, the soup kitchen. I have completely shelled for convenience, but maybe leave some whole for decoration is not bad.

I cooked the pasta for half, threw it in the pan when I made garlic in a brown shirt, and I continued with the cooking liquid from the mussels. Almost cooked I added the flowers cut into strips and mussels.

Pepper and ... at the table!

Here it is on my plate! Slurp! :-)
