Monday, November 29, 2010

Skinny Irregular Periods

pastry: tickets for sale ceramic

Pasta Frolla

I must admit I had doubts whether or not to publish this post that the title may seem obvious and trivial. On paper, because the pastry is one of the recipes are simple and easy and really test dummies ..
Well, for me it has for years been a nightmare because every time, whether worked by hand (mine are always very hot!) Than with the robot, the burned area and let all the butter. A few years ago, after having landed in England, one of my usual strolls to shops Caccavelli, I find myself in the hands of a strange contraption, called dough blender, they explain to me to be very useful to soak in the butter and flour preparation of the different pastry, of course I buy it that day and my problems with the crust seem to be resolved and I'm going back to sleep soundly. At this point there would be nothing more to say because now I will be cookies and cakes as they should, but no, there is a little more to share and this is why I decided to write this post; as I mentioned a few days ago I attended a Corsino pastry baker from my friend and though the cut was based, went home happy because I was able to understand and improve.
But we come to many pastry .... of you may already know everything, but some details for me (and especially "see and touch" their implementation) have been the real revelation.

I put the recipe that I have been given to the course, but what is important is because the method is fundamental for the success of good crumbly pastry is to avoid the formation of gluten, which is when the flour comes in contact with the liquids.


00 1kg Flour 600g Butter

at room temperature 400g icing sugar (or breeze)

0.5 g Egg yolks 160g vanilla (seeds)
1g 2g
grated lemon peel Salt

- Method 1, that also sablèe (= sand): put in the bowl (or robot) flour with butter, salt, lemon and vanilla socrza. Operate the machine and then turn up to full blast the compound (a term that indicates a grainy mixture of butter and flour). Qiundi add the icing sugar and immediately after the egg yolks. Once the dough has formed the dough and turn upside down on work surface lightly dusted with flour. Form a smooth dough, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before use.

- Method 2, classic put in the bowl (or robot) butter and sugar and mount until the mixture is smooth. Add Tuor and are absorbed when the flour and let it run until it forms dough. Turn out on floured work surface, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

Both methods ensure that no gluten is formed, and then the crust does not move during firing. With the first method, each grain of flour is isolated from the liquid (egg) through the sand with the butter (if it were cold from the refrigerator, the blast would not be as efficient), the second is not long to flour, which is added Finally, to form the gluten.

- Writing: When the dough is done well, looks nice and smooth and "elastic", meaning that it spreads easily with a rolling pin (so there is no need to use plenty of flour on work surface, but just a sprinkle) and does not break even when it is put into the mold IT MUST NOT BE 'N Butter' Flour because there is no need. After baking the crust will come off perfectly. The molds (aluminum) should not even be washed up to the past with a rag or a paper towel.

- Cooking: the pastry should cook gently, then baked at 160 ° C for 20-25 '. If the cooking must be white, THERE IS 'NO NEED TO USE WEIGHTS (baking paper and faglioli tickets or ceramic) because not to raise it. Also because many kg of beans or tickets should be around a pastry chef in his workshop?

This last point was the one that left me puzzled .... but after a certain number of shells fired pies and tarts in white, I changed my mind and that's why I put my tickets for sale!

Pasta Frolla

This shell, I poached without weights floured nor buttering the mold and it came perfect, try it! A smile


EDIT 01/12/2010:
The two methods are not really interchangeable but are distinguished by the final result to be obtained. With sablèe method produces a more brittle crust while the classic method suitable for a more compact pastry tarts and tart and can be stretched very thin without the risk that crumbles once filled.

EDIT 12/02/2010:
I received an email in which I was pointed out that this argument if it was discussed a few days ago also on the forum of "The Italian Cuisine" which I attended for years and not attending for a while '. I would not steal anything or not prey on my merits, among the various interventions then there's Turned to Simon, who shared a recipe she learned during a course and is almost equal to that which I gave here and I transcribed verbatim from the dispense that gave us the pastry in the course. Given that it may raise doubts (in those who see only black and rotten everywhere, that rarely opens up to a comparison of adult and transparent and that is merely gossip, malice and buckets of venom behind his back) but did not see the need to absolutely justified because in good faith, I add the link and leave everyone free to form opinions and draw their own conclusions based on what we have got to know me, my way of being and to share the sources of I propose that if the flour is not the result of my bag. Here it is:

This would not be a technical post but just a way to share the surprise to discover that some things I thought were important and fundamental in reality are not. I did not have the pretension to teach anything or be the holder of absolute truth, they are fully aware that there are different types of crust, different methods and different schools of thought. Alex, is experiencing great in a bakery and is collecting information, recipes and techniques to make a post that will be absolutely far more useful, professional and complete.


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