Monday, November 8, 2010

Thick White Cervical Mucus 2dpo

Pan Cake with Marzipan, Raisins & Dried Fruit Tart

As you know is a bit 'that bakeries, focaccifico pizzifico and with Lazarus, my sourdough, and I must say that the results are always very good in fact, ultimately not a mistake! If the front salty I think more than satisfied, the sweet face I can not say as much, so I have accumulated a long series of flops that have a normal head I would have had to retreat and sign a peace treaty with panettone, pandori, croissants , brioche and some more so on and so forth. In fact I keep the nerve head, and then the war is still open and sometimes it also happens to me to win some battles, as with this sweet bread on which they had no hope of success. But .... come soft and never as good as I expected.

sweet bread with marzipan, RAISINS & DRIED FRUIT
For a cake tin 30 cm

350g strong flour (Rieper Yellow)
lievitino 200g (*)
milk 80g sugar 2 eggs

120g butter, softened 1 egg yolk

6g Salt 80g dried fruit (walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, almonds)

Raisins 60g 40g 100g Marzipan Rum

In a large bowl sift flour and add the lievitino, milk and sugar. Mix with a wooden spoon and then begin to knead with your hands. Add one egg at a time and then the yolk, making more and absorb before adding the next. Continue to knead until the dough is smooth and elastic. Knead by hand this is the most difficult especially in the beginning because the dough is sticky. If you prefer you can also use this method: mix for 1 minute and let the dough rest for 10-15 minutes, just until the top is formed and the dough gluten structure (Practically no longer sticks to hands or the bowl.) Transfer the dough on a pastry board and paddle on it 1 / 3 of soft butter. Knead dough on passing the butter until it is not absorbed it all. Do the same with the remaining butter. Add a pinch of salt with the last third of butter. When the dough is smooth, soft and homogeneous allow to rise until doubled in a bowl greased with butter.
Meanwhile soak the raisins in the rum and coarsely chop the nuts. Doubling, return the dough and spread on pastry into a square of 30 cm, sprinkle with raisins, dried 60g of dried fruit and place on a side marzipan shaped into a loaf 26cm. Starting from the side with the roll the marzipan cake pan with flour and put it into the mold. Let rise until it reaches the edge of the mold (or just above), brush with milk and egg yolk, sprinkle with the rest of the nuts and a handful of granulated sugar. Bake at 170 ° C for 35 minutes.
the oven, let cool for a few minutes, pull out and let it cool completely on a wire rack.

(*) For the lievitino: In a bowl combine yeast 75g, 75g strong flour, 75g water and mix well. Cover with foil and let it sit for 24 hours at room temperature.
I mixed in the morning, I let it rise in a bowl in the oven (no small light on) until the evening (the dough was more than doubled), I have trained and left to rise overnight in the oven (again with little light off).

Sweet Bread with Marzipan, Raisins and Nuts - Slice

The only drawback is that raisins and dried fruit are not a homogeneous distribution in the dough .... this because I have not dried well after draining the raisins. You can think of many different fillings from what I have proposed (only raisins, chocolate chips, etc ...) or simply leave it without any additions except to some flavoring (vanilla, almond, lemon, cinnamon etc), in which case I would say aumetare the amount of sugar to 100g.

A soft smile,

PS. Just to update you on the flop ... after this stroke of c.. Oe still euphoric feeling I tried to knead the flour with the croissant Roberto .... I tried it half and half semolina flour but nothing strong, it is was a debacle: good flavor but a bit 'gnucchi and browsed for nothing ... and then 1-1 and ball in the middle!


  • For those wishing to use brewer's yeast:
    shows the weights of the ingredients vary, the others remain the same as the procedure.

    80-400g flour 15g yeast 100g Milk
    Of course the beer
    rising times change, takes about 1h30'-2h for both the first and for the second rising.
  • Test of Virginia, The Spilucchina:
    I did, in a poorer version (one with raisins), but I did it! And it is amazing ...
    The following few remarks:
    - I did not want to do and I had a yeast lievitino spry enough so I started the dough directly from that. I added 60g of milk as a result more;
    - making him only raisins I brought this to 130g and I have also increased by 15g sugar;
    - 20g of butter I put in more because I am a zozzone and using the mixer I have not done the procedure of butter spatula but I just started working on small pieces (and rigorously at room temperature as the rest of the ingredients);
    - for the record I did the first rise during the night ( about 12 hours) and the second from morning to afternoon (6-7 hours).


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