Saturday, December 25, 2010

Forgot My Samsonite Combination

: Merry Christmas 2010!


always in a hurry .... always with the head occupied by a thousand thoughts ... but I could not miss today to wish you a happy and delicious Christmas with your loved ones! Thanks, for your support and your love are truly a precious gift, and I admire that gap post after post every day of the year.

Merry Christmas!! A smile adorned


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sign Of Pregnancy Shitting A Lot

Salted Caramel & Banana Cake: All or Nothing

Banana Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce

Yes, because the reactions of those who have tried this cake was love at first bite or hate no middle ground ... just like the law of the generation of All or Nothing ' nerve impulse! I know I'm an incurable biologist, but it really is the first thing I thought of taking note of the comments on this cake. A good rummage in my little head, I could find a more poetic comparison, but what can you do if I find the romantic nervous system ???!!!

In my opinion, this cake is a 'very tempting alternative to the usual banana muffins or banana bread to take out over-ripe bananas. I found the recipe in the book of Australian bakers Allam & McGuinness and I followed verbatim except for the salty caramel that I wanted to do to turn off and lighten up a little bit of the sweet banana.

For a die of 28 cm

For the cake 300g self raising flour
banana (or half a bag of flour than normal yeast, about 8g)
250g butter 300g sugar morbdo

4 medium eggs 200g sour cream (optional)
a Pod vanilla maple syrup 20g

2-3 ripe bananas Preheat oven to 200 ° C. In a large bowl with electric whips mount (or planetary) softened butter with the sugar and vanilla seeds until the mixture is white and soft. Add one egg at a time, making sure to incorporate the mixture well. Add the sour cream in twice and finally the flour. In another bowl cut bananas into large pieces and mash with a fork, resulting in a coarse puree and if you use it, add maple syrup. Add the banana mixture, mix well and pour into buttered and floured mold. Bake in the oven and immediately lower the temperature to 180 ° C. Cook for 55'-65 '(toothpick test). Remove from oven and let cool on a wire rack.

(*) The original recipe requires 355g it, far too many. I dropped by 50g, but 250g is more than enough.

For the caramel sauce

100ml water 300g sugar 30ml liquid glucose

200ml fresh cream 80g unsalted butter (unsalted for the normal version)

In a high-sided saucepan bring sugar, liquid glucose and water (if using), stir gently with a spoon. Place over heat and cook without stirring further until the sugar has taken a not too dark caramel color. Meanwhile heat the cream over low heat bringing it almost to boiling (but should not boil nor shudder). When the caramel is ready, remove from heat and add a little 'time to the cream (be careful that the mixture begins to boil fiercely) and put on the fire until you get a sauce is smooth and homogeneous. Turn off, let cool a few minutes and add the butter.

Turn out to serve the cake that has yet to be warm on a plate with a toothpick or a raised section and do a little 'holes on the surface. Pour the caramel and spread it with a spatula. Most would accompany the cake with a scoop of ice cream or yogurt with sour cream. But remember, in this case you should cut slices children, because the good thing too!

You could also serve the cake with the caramel separately so everybody does on their own. If the caramel hardens enough to pass for one minute in the microwave or heat it on low fire. An alternative to caramel can be no doubt a dark chocolate sauce. You can also simply make the cake and eat it alone with a good cup of tea or coffee. A smile

Sweet & Sour,

Monday, December 13, 2010

Female Dominationmainstream

Thanks ...

has been just over 20 days and still can not believe ...

First a big thanks again to all those who through comments or personal messages I have comforted at this time. Your warmth has helped me a lot ... THANKS!

Life continues, however, must continue.

not imagine the countless bureaucratic activity of these circumstances. I have been a little annoyed, but maybe helped me in the first moments not to let go of pain. I can not tell whether this was a good or bad ... I do not know ...

In the hustle and bustle of those days is gone the door hanger that I had done for the bathroom for mom. I do not know what happened to, as well as the phone book ... mah!

So I need little things picked up my scraps, my father would have been glad he liked when I was a bookmark, or decorated with a photo or greeting cards. I found them all stored ...

This is the new door hanger in the bathroom. Simple, visible, however, because she has a certain age. I used the particular form that attaches to the coop bought some time ago. Never used before but in fact they make their effect. The cards are definitely some swap is not really my style, but were invaluable in this case, so thanks to those who sent them to me at the time. The letters are hand-cut by me.

I then worked on a photo. I wanted dad was with me in my "room of the mess," as I call it. And 'where I scrap all my things, crochet, computer, etc.. etc.
I chose a photo where it is not only him, but where we are all together for a walk in Assisi. I thought it was a beautiful day a beautiful memory to keep hanging on the wall.

scrapbooking Indeed this picture reminded me of my father and it was really not in a hospital bed, as I recall at this moment . And I thank you for giving me heartened Simply Lea.

cards I do not know where they come from, I cut various circles and I have buffered with distress ink, the same that I used for the basic card.
As I have always thought, to devote himself to something like manual that helps in some sad moments of life. I wanted but also follow the advice of my friend Laura, whom I thank for his support. Maybe if I had not had the need to make the door hanger I just put the photo in the frame. I do not know ...


Friday, December 3, 2010

Masterbates For First Time


The farewell

had rained the night before, without interruption, sometimes violently, to sometimes with the rain that gets into the bones. Of course also the time mourn his passing, like all of us. And accompanying on his last journey suddenly a hole in the sky and a ray of direct sunlight on his coffin. And then the rainbow: full, crisp.

A sign? Maybe. A salute to a good man in her life had worked great sacrifice to give to family well-being that he had not. That's when he could had helped those in need. Always.

And as we saw with wonder all these signs I was reminded of the night three days before.
also suffering, with oxygen and pains, I complained because I was not sleeping, but I was sitting on the chair beside him. And he apologized for giving so much trouble.
But that bother you? I was frightened and saddened for what was happening. I just wanted to look at him and hold his hand to alleviate, even if only emotionally, the pain that tormented him for several days now. To make them feel that I loved him and did not want anything to happen.

And then on Saturday, when the oxygen mask made me sign with his finger, he wanted the drops in the eye.
And when it already away from us, he opened his eyes and said: "I did forwards. Was I right?" .... You are right, you were right dad. Yes, because although much technology for his age, yet he found it difficult to submit an email ...

In this pain every now and rationality that makes us say if it had to end, rather how it went: in a few days without mortification of his dignity. But what there is now emptiness around us. What we're missing.

We found these words of St. Augustine:

Do not mourn its absence, feel around and talk to him again.
I love the sky as you loved on earth.

We loved it, and it will. Will speak to him again even if not by skpye as we were accustomed. It will always be with me.

Hello Dad.

Kits For Building A Toy Chest

Tartlets with Persimmons & Crispy Nuts: How the Phoenix

Tartellette with Persimmon Jelly & Walnut Brittle

Another example of love at first sight ... well, I fell in love before the blue and white tiles used for the styling of the photo and then, only when it is proven, the recipe that comes straight from the book sweets and flowers for each season of the year .

Saturday night I go to my mom telling me "do the cake for the race of St. Martin, is not it ?"... I fall from the clouds as now happens more often and say," No, actually I did not think anything and not want to have all this ", followed by 15 minutes of persuasion on the part of present: mother, fiance and cousin. Succeed in their aim but there are two problems recently: I do not know what to do cake and also knowing I would not know where to retrieve the ingredients I need. Do you think that you think back, I cut the head of the bull with a "I will use what I have at home." I rummage in the pantry and cupboards in the kitchen and I find it all, but only so many empty seed packets open (or half full) so that they are no use. Jumping out with "I strudel and who we have seen we have seen," P. who decided to row against retorts, "but no strudel no, it's good but it's not nice ".... I start to count, he continues," but why not use something from our garden? we ... walnuts, hazelnuts, figs and persimmons in the pot .. it is better to use them because they honestly do not really have a pretty face "... are more than 100, fly over the comment about my potted figs (which else have a beautiful face, tie!) and go back to "nuts, walnuts, persimmons and hazelnuts are "..... eliminates nuts and walnuts and persimmons persimmon .... but where is that ...." I saw it ..... but yes, the recipe for blue and white tiles. "I take the book, I make the pastry using all the butter and I'm going to stay calm. Sunday morning, wake up early because the persimmon jelly must solidify. Since it is a race of cakes, I decided to make a version of "tarte" and a shell and bake 3 Guscetti for tarts. At this point my memories are confused .... I do not know why neither for nor how I managed to do a pike jump to 'I'm obviously blessed shell that smashed on the floor and becomes a istantaneamemnte crumble. Curse while I collect the pieces also because it's Sunday, the shops are closed and I have no more butter. Just when I was going to do with a reason, "'the cake is not to be done, point," he illuminates the idea, perhaps too advanced for the village where I live, thus making a deconstructed tarte rise from my sweet own ashes like the phoenix. It 'a beautiful tray of tarts with white ceramic cups and survivors' to form a composition very zen that I have appeared on time in the race.

tartlets PERSIMMON & Crispy
WALNUTS Serves 6

For the pastry: 250g flour 00

150g soft butter 60g sugar 75g walnuts, finely chopped

2 egg yolks 2 Tbsp water 1 pinch

Prepare pastry and let rest in refrigerator for 1 hour. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3-4mm and coating dies for 6 tarts. Bake at 160 ° C for 20-25 '.

For the jelly persimmon:
500g ripe persimmons

7g Sugar 20g gelatine leaves juice of half a lemon

Soak gelatin in cold water. Peel Persimmon and blend with lemon and sugar. Drain the gelatin and dissolve it in a saucepan over a low heat with one or two tablespoons of milk shake. Once melted add the rest and mix well. Distribute it in tarts and let rest in a cool place until full hardening. For the crispy

75g walnuts, coarsely chopped 150g sugar

4 Tbsp Water

Dissolve the sugar in a saucepan with 4 tablespoons of water without stirring. When the caramel has become blond walnuts add a little at a time so that the sugar to cool and then crystallized. Spread the crisp on a sheet of waxed paper and let cool. Just before

Crumble the crisp serve and decorate tarts (or glasses). This must be made at the time or the crisp is dampened.

Undoubtedly, tarts and shorts (which were a pleasant surprise) are the best way to enjoy this sweet because the various stocks are more balanced. I tried (as you see in first photo) to make a small slice of tarte but the taste did not give me the same satisfaction.
And here's my khakis that offers a cheerful splash of color to the snow-covered garden.

Persimmon Tree

A smile orange and good weekend,