Sunday, October 31, 2010

Can Pregnant Women Take Ambesol?

Happy Halloween

Halloween Cookies

It 's the first time in 7 years in England I am in Italy for Halloween .... I usually cookies for the children who rang the bell at my usual "Trick or Treat" ... and not wanting to be outdone this year, I thought to use the molds bought some time ago and never used to make cookies very simple for my grandchildren who have enjoyed a Pucci in milk and Cocoa tea as much as I have fun doing it!

Making Cookies for Halloween

A smile pumpkin color,

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Possible Warm Up Songs

Ricotta Gnocchi with Pumpkin, Leeks &

Ricotta Gnocchi with Leeks & Butternut Squash

Ah, the ricotta gnocchi .... a really great discovery! This dish was born so to take out the pumpkin, leeks and ricotta that were parked too long in the fridge. Yes, because I every time I go to the supermarket I take leave the sacred fire of culinary creations and think of (im) possible recipes (who knows why more lengthy and complicated requiring three thousand pots and pans) to try with all good things with which I am filling the truck, along with recipes and suppose also photo shoot ... and if I miss the background, the glass plate or need, I buy that too! Of course, the sacred flame goes out as soon as the system in the pantry, fridge or in the corner of Caccavelli (angle to the face!) My booty and all the amazing recipes that hitherto occupied the bottom end in my little head (but right at the back) to the drawer of "try, cook, do it" as my side SignoraLuisaCheArrivaPrestoFiniscePrestoENonPulisceIlWater forcefully takes over and the only thought is "You're not crazy but in all those dirty pots ??!!!"....

For these dumplings have a dirty pot and a frying pan ..... and have enjoyed great success .... to be fair, I (which I have great confidence in me as cheff, sweet part) have been doubtful until such time as P., "Del Monte man" at home (because every house has one!) tasted them and not only said "yes" but also "there are more?"

Ricotta Gnocchi with pumpkin, leek and Amaretto
For 2-3 people

For ricotta gnocchi (I discovered from her)
Ricotta 125g (not too watery)

80g flour 1 egg 2 tablespoons Parmesan

Salt Mix all the ingredients to form a firm dough and let stand half an hour in the refrigerator. After resting, proceed to make the dumplings as well as those of potato on a floured surface to form cords of the size of a finger, and cut into pieces of about 2cm. Rigarli gently with a fork (or a line dumplings) and place on a floured cloth.

For the dressing 4

Leeks 350g pumpkin (already cleaned and cut into cubes) 1
vaccine Caprino
2 amaretti

Clean leeks and cut into rounds. In a large skillet heat to put plenty of olive oil and when hot add the leeks and pumpkin. Cook over medium heat until the vegetables are soft, adding a couple of ladles of water and adding salt when half cooked (if desired you can use half nut vegetable). Whisk the goat cheese with blender, 2-3 tablespoons of vegetables and 1 tablespoon of hot water to form a creamy sauce not too thick.

Boil water in a pot and throw the dumplings. Drain with slotted spoon as they are afloat. Season with the creamy sauce of goat cheese and the rest of the vegetables and add the crumbled amaretti Serve quickly.

For a more elegant, it can lay the dumplings topped with creamy sauce on a bed of leeks and pumpkin cooked and then add the amaretto. A smile

good appetite,

Breast Feeding Her Husband In Islam

Soon the New Collection!

These are commissioned works produced during October

In stock cream and chocolate leather like fabric and leather and flowers panama
with buttons 60

Caracol Bag
bag and leather-like fabric panama

super flower bag in silver leather
In Leather chain

Postman Bag Men's Leather

PiƩgon bag with flowers
In leather with flowers skin applied

bag PioPio
In faux leather with application

Red Cat In
leather bag with leather, zipper, cotton lining, inner zip pocket
, adjustable shoulder strap

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What To Expect Male Brazilan

Amaretti Torta Rustica with Hazelnuts &

This cake is beautiful and rustic stone home of the hit in recent times .... good and easy, low-fat and very suitable for breakfast and afternoon dessert break. It can also be served as dessert after lunch or dinner when accompanied by a scoop of vanilla ice cream, a cream or a light zabaglione, like I did here .
For a tin of 24 cm in diameter
300g sugar 200g flour 00
100g melted butter (or equal amount of almond oil, hazelnut or rice, about 80-90ml)
400g Pears (already cleaned and sliced) 200g
toasted hazelnuts (roughly chopped) 3 eggs
1 / 2 sachet baking powder (about 8g)
grated lemon rind 1 pinch salt
Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Fit very well the yolks (*) with sugar and grated lemon peel. Add the hazelnuts and pears and mix. Add warm melted butter (or oil), a pinch of salt and mix. Add to the mix the flour sifted with baking powder and finally the egg whites, stirring gently from top to bottom. Pour the batter into the buttered pan and bake for 35-40 infatinata '(toothpick test).
(*) You can also mount the whole eggs with sugar and skip the passage the egg whites with the same ... is good!
Of course I use hazelnuts harvested in late summer from the plant in my garden of wonders ....


A smile lucky

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kates Playground Content Free

Pear Tart with fig jam, walnuts and lemon and a pink ribbon

Fig, Walnut & Lemon Jam Tart

October .... this is the month dedicated to the prevention of breast cancer and now we want to remember a unified blog. Years ago a commercial for a toothpaste concluded that ... "because prevention is better than cure ".... and in the case of cancer (not just for breast) there is no greater truth. Despite the considerable efforts that researchers around the world are doing has, alas, still far from discovering the cure for this terrible disease, which is why prevention is crucial and often be decisive in the defeat. Cancer does not look at anyone and not sparing my grandmother ... lost, my uncle won, but there was a time when it seemed the battle was over .... I have everything printed in the head and heart and face the charge of preparing and familiarity with the only weapon I: prevention.
For this post I decided to do all pink with a tart jam because it is a sweet and simple .... easy as it is and then take the test. Ricordiamocelo .... always with this simple act can save lives and not just abituiamoci to make it part of our daily living and thinking by adopting healthy habits at 360 °, even if it's something minor like brushing your smile!

jam tarts figs, walnuts and lemon

For the pastry

250g wholemeal flour 50g

00-90g sugar 100g butter 150g

1 egg (or 2 yolks)
grated rind of 1 lemon Pinch of salt 1

250-300g Jam

Make the pastry with the method usually used in refrigerator and let it rest for half an hour. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 3-4mm and lined a tart mold with a diameter of 24cm. Spread the jam and decorate with the strips forming a grid. Bake at 180 ° C for about 30-35 '. Cool and unmold.

A smile rose

PS. I used the jam I made with my hands and not very sweet also because the lemon gives it a pleasant and fresh citrus notes. He bought a used maybe it is better to reduce the amount of sugar in the pastry.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cough And Colon Cancer

Jam Tart with wild fish, and Almond Macaroons

Wild Peach Jam Tart

crazy because I love the cakes and pastry for this tart is perhaps the most delicious I've ever done .... Do you remember this ? Here, I wanted to try it in a "tart" and to do that I have "invented" (I think I've discovered hot water!) A pastry made by replacing the flour with a powder and almond macaroons. I must say that the jam has contributed to a higher gear in this experiment because it is what I did with the CATCH wild in my garden ... small, white, and juicy with a flavor characterized by a final bitter note that goes well with the sweet crunchiness of the pastry.

jam tarts of wild fish, Amaretto & Almonds
For a 24 cm tart mold

300g pastry with almonds and amaretti
Marmalade 250g of wild fish (*)

For the pastry:

200g flour (for cookies and cakes Molino Vigevano)
100g Powder and Almond Macaroons (I finely chopped a handful of amaretti and a rich almond)

150g butter 60g sugar 1 egg medium

a pinch of salt 30g Almonds

soak grain in butter and flour, working quickly with your fingers (or with a fork) until small crumbs, add sugar, a pinch of salt and almonds and mix well. Then add the egg and mix until you get a ball, flatten it to disk (so it is easier to roll out) and let it rest in refrigerator for 30 '. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 190 ° C. Take over the pastry, roll the die and Forder tart, spread the jam and decorate as desired. Bake until the edges of the tart is beautiful gold. I always follow

the Board of Spilucchina to support the mold on a baking hot so that the bottom is cooking properly.

(*) The jam may be substituted with other types, they are not too sweet though! I would see a well of bitter orange marmalade.

A smile bloomed,

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chapstick Invitations

Farfalle with salmon and beans

Adoro smoked salmon. I like it without anything, with orange and pepper, a little less with butter .... In short I like it! : -)

Monday alll'ora then coming back home for lunch, I imagined sitting in front of a plate with some slices of smoked salmon, orange, pepper, a bit of bread that of my origins - Naples palatone - which fortunately I find even here in Rome, water and a good book to read. Yes, I eat when I am alone reading otherwise you know what a bore! :-)

thus entered the supermarket, I grabbed a nice package of salmon and I'm returned home at a brisk pace. Here, however, while already tasted the dish I discovered to my surprise that the salmon had to "be eaten after cooking. But how? The smoked salmon? After cooking?
There are no more half seasons! : -0

Oh well not to let you all long, I remembered that I have read wandering around the web a recipe with smoked salmon, peas and endive.
At home I had 2 out of 3 ingredients, but I am not discouraged!

I did fry the finely chopped onion, then I added the salmon cut into strips and I did a little brown. I poured a shot Kranebet of which is a bitter white area of \u200b\u200bthe Asiago plateau, which serves delicious ice cream and that my brother takes me :-)

I had in the house Borgo La Rocca of beans in oil. I thought "maybe I can replace pisellli with them." I then drained to the right, and I added the salmon at the last moment, just before the pasta mix.

a grinding of pepper and the dish is done! Good I say, maybe I just had to put less salt in the dough, because the salmon was from this point of view, very tasty.

A pleasant surprise, I must say, I'll just make sure that a quick meal.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Kharghar Flat Rates 2010

Sooner or later ....

.... Sooner or later things to do! ... And then, however, does not mean that I like! :-)

Well it was December 2006 when Ross gave me the shapes in wood, saying: "Now, however, does not leave locked in the cupboard! The cabinet is the place where I have my papers, stickers, tools, stamps, etc.. you can certainly say there are not doing anything because I throw them out moooltooo rarely and then .... and then I do not know .... missing something ... but I can not see what! :-)

For the time will not be hanging on the wall of the kitchen, where he had been predestined. What next? ... And then I do not know if I can figure out what's missing ... A little help? :-)
