Sunday, October 9, 2005

Speech For An Anniversary Of A Company

Association, October 29

Hello friends, admirers, family and accomplices of Patrick.

Whether we have more or less digested in mourning for his death, could give us in any case a little 'to do to grow not only his memory but also its unique intentions, that Patrick always wanted to share, implying, thrilling and even angering many people as possible ... and even in this, you can see his track.

has been mentioned already this summer, including Dalù, Philip, Luciano Nicolas and me and we got the idea to found an association. The statute would allow us more associative presentability than the inevitable reality of the institutions and also to take more initiatives.
addition, the state associated with it allow for more sharing of decisions and responsibilities.
Whether you agree with this our idea of \u200b\u200bthe Association or who has different ideas, we invite you to meet all together, just Chiesavecchia, next Saturday, October 29 to 17 (so there is still light and you see everything there is in-bounds. Not sure to bring your contribution to proposals as well as, of course, snack, beverage, music and more.

ASSOCIATION The Association would not profit, may be "cultural association" or better "ONLUS "(non-profit social organization), because non-profit organizations have less tax obligations. It must be justified by a" memorandum "signed by the" Founding Members "along with the" Statute ", which defines the purpose and the rules of the Association.

The association Artincampo ONLUS "(?) Aims to continue to develop and disseminate the various situations which arise or which entered the field of Chiesavecchia, according to the letter and spirit of the" Agreement "of 2001 which reads in full :
"We, the undersigned Patrick Melandri and Luciano Ghersi, in the presence of Eva Basile established in faith and friendship in the name of law and law on the anniversary of David Lazzaretti, in the presence of this nature that is the witness of everything and judge, to live and live to this fund (referred to in the protocol: the Old Church), the first human settlement certificate in Murcia (municipality of Scansano, Grosseto). Old Church of Murcia, August 18, 2001 "
In particular, the Association has as its purposes:
- Enhancement of the artistic work of textile art, performer and poet Patrick Melandri, including his works, writings and documents.
- Enhancement the artistic work of the painter Bruno Melandri, including his works, writings and documents.
- the continuation and development of "Arts in the field", festival artists artists and not atypical of fresh air "in all its creative aspects , performances, exhibitions, training and socializing.
- The export of the concept of "Arts in the field" and extends to cultural and educational events and situations, can also be made elsewhere.

We can indulge in the details, but in general, there is a shareholders' meeting that periodically elects a board of directors will take the books with entries and exits, you write the minutes of Board meetings and assemblies, are elected for Controller (Probe Viri) with the task of checking that no one has made a mess.
In fact, this can be tedious but it ensures transparency and may reduce the gossip.

's all for now.
Please read this message to anyone in CO can affect and perhaps, a photocopy or emailed to you.
Please outsource your opinion on the Internet, to start immediately discussion. It is not difficult to go to post "Association, October 29" and write a "comment" Please
, especially come October 29 Chiesevecchia


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