Friday, October 21, 2005

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Two writings on PAT Chiesavecchia

Among my papers, I just found two pages written by Patrick, together with the printout of an e-mail that she receives from Claudio Calvenzana September 26, 2001 entitled: I: project. The first sheet
Patrick is entitled "Project Old Church - The Marta" is also dated September 2001, apparently because the letter of Claudius refers to this, Pariza providing information on how to draw up a plan (objectives, phases , supporters, staff, curriculum, etc.). So here we are at the time immediately following the purchase of the field Chiesavecchia. The first sheet
Patrick begins "Dear" and has the form of a letter of invitation to participate in exhibitions and events in Chiesavecchia to be held in August 2002 (and still not called Arts in the field). This text takes the sentences in the previous one.

Below I reprint in full the two documents, which I think are useful to confirm and clarify the intentions of Patrick over what to do on the field of Chiesavecchia ... and also against the occurrence of associated structures, which are precisely the themes of our next meeting on Oct. 29. A


The project involves the construction of a place where you can meet artists, designers, craftsmen who have the desire to intervene works with ideas, seminars, etc..

place has already been purchased: 0.730 with a land has a ruin that was originally a parish church (hence the name Old Church), the first human settlement of the country.

The resort is Murcia (Gr) a small village of 300 inhabitants distributed in the surrounding countryside.

The aim is therefore to create a harmonious space where the human presence does not interferes with the nature of the area. Any installations, various interventions have to be so in respect of this nature.

The objectives are: Socio-cultural

because the place will become a gathering place of works and actions of people of various nationalities will be visiting by schools, groups, public and private associations.

because life will be held in harmony with nature. Therefore the land will be treated according to organic and biodynamic.
Rainwater will be collected about the most possible and then be reused for irrigation and for household cleaning and personal. Regarding drinking water, this will be collected prsso public fountains of the country.
The toilets will be built according to the method vietnarnita which provides for the anaerobic process of composting of faeces.
gngie waters, those resulting from rinsing dishes and various cleaning, do not contain detergents (soap only) and can be reused for watering plants. Even
for electricity is expected to install a solar panel.

========= Dear friends, our
with this, we wish to know the fact that it was founded
a central meeting place for persons wishing to express themselves creatively using the most
variety of expressive techniques.

The site is located near Murcia, a small village of 300 inhabitants of the Maremma hills and it is a plot of approx. one hectare, already inhabited by Patrick Melandri and, occasionally, by Luciano Ghersi. The place name is Old Church - The Martha, the name assigned to it by the time that these are the first human settlement, from Satumia, who stopped in this area.
MeIandri Patrick is a native of Genoa and is artistic compositions with textiles (tapestries, paintings, curtains, quilts, sculptures of cloth).
Luciano Ghersi is internationally renowned weaver, also Genoese by birth.

On the ground are already in the works of Lapo Simeoni, a young emerging artist in the field of graffiti artist Veronica Finch assembiaggio of various objects found in nature and not, by Luciano Ghersi with the installation of its Afro-frame.
The houses are basically on wheels, for the moment we have a caravan and a trailer. The toilet is outside but suitably repair, according to the Vietnamese method provides a system of anaerobic composting. Rainwater is collected in tanks so they can be used for personal cleaning, home, garden and the future for the garden. The power is provided, for the moment, a solar panel and a generator. The place is just born and you are welcome to visit and to intervene with your ideas and works. Contact us on 347 7953818

Patrick Melandri - Old Church - 58050 Murcia - Gr


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