Sunday, November 13, 2005

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Minutes of the October 29

Minutes of the meeting
"APPOINTMENT October 29 & x PATRIZIA Chiesavecchia"

This meeting had been agreed at the end of last August between Dalù, Philip, Nicholas and Luciano, to deal with the future of Arts in Field and Chiesavecchia, evaluating the hypothesis of an association which had as its founding purpose:
- Enhancement of the artistic work of textile art, performer and poet Patrick Melandri, including his works, writings and documents.
- Enhancement of the artistic work of the painter Bruno Melandri, including his works, writings and documents.
- the continuation and development of "Arts In Campo, the festival is not unusual for artists and artists under the open sky, in all its creative aspects, performances, exhibitions, training and socializing.
- The export of the concept of "Arts in the field" and extends to cultural and educational events and situations, can also be made elsewhere.

The list stated above is extracted from the paper invitation entitled "APPOINTMENT October 29 & x PATRIZIA Chiesavecchia" mailed to several people close to Patrick and / or limbs in the field, with a further invitation to spread the message to whatever might be of interest.
This invitation was sent by mail, SMS and reaffirmed, even Bernd W. We were unable to send mail to Mauro M. and Carla F. (Which are the other two people most involved in the legacies of Patrick), why did not respond when asked to SMS their postal address. They have however received a second text message, even with the link to read the text of the paper invitation Arts On Golf Blog, where you can also write and publish their own opinion. All three Porson did not communicate in any way, agreement or opposition to the initiative.

On October 29, 2005 met in Chiesavecchia Christa D. , Dalu P. , Luciano G. , Philip S. , Yvonne R. also Paul P. that (with the permission of Berndt) is currently staying in the caravan with the adjoining cottage Pat.

Paul reported that all the works of Pat, along with managers from the father, Bruno, were evicted from the Berndt bandwagon is placed in front of Caravan. Paul has the firm intention "to treat it well this little house" is taking care of small repairs to the roof of the car and uses a Maid for house cleaning.

Dalu, coesecutrice testamentary Pat said that there is no mandate to promote and expose the works of Bruno but simply to keep them for Giorgio's niece, until his age.
Approved by all.

Luciano introduced the idea to found an association (or ONLUS Cultural) Arts in Campo, reiterating that "the association would allow us greater presentability than the inevitable reality of the institutions" and, on the other hand, "allow for more sharing decisions and responsibility. "
Nobody has said otherwise, but no one seems willing to get personally involved in its management. Thus, the Association will not be not well founded. This does not exclude the availability of any individual to collaborate in future initiatives, "Art in the Field."
Approved by all.

Philip said, however, must be protected the name, concept and design of "Arts in the Field", although it can be extended to cultural and educational events and situations, can also be made elsewhere. Therefore is responsible for registering a site on the Internet "artincampo" to certify and document passed and future activities.
Approved by all.

As for "the exploitation of the artistic work of Patricia Melandri, including his works, writings and documents," Dalu said we could hold its first exhibition in Grosseto, possibly with the help of Lapo S. To this end, it may also form a committee (even without register the Notary) to raise funds by public agencies, sponsors and individuals.
Since the works of Pat are in the care of Carla F. You must ask for his consent to be able to dispose of works in time for the show.
Approved by all.

He also talked about the need to scrap the old Pat's van parked in the field, with the consent and cooperation of Mauro F.
Approved by all.

Nicola Luciano and launched the idea of \u200b\u200ba winter festival in the Old Church, on Christmas and New Year. Apart from the revelry and cultural events overlapping, this party would serve well to start and expand a collection of ideas, attendance and effort in Arts Camp 2006. For a minimum ogranizzare accogienza this winter festival, will move the wagon Luciano downstream by three meters (where now the land is cleared), we will install a wood stove, and outside of the truck, we will set up a shelter would conflict of the poles in the ground.
Approved by all.

Luciano has proposed to collect gii e-mail addresses of all the defendants, to send a report of the meeting and to facilitate any communication.
Approved by all.

During the meeting, presented by Bernd W. but has decided not to participate.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Best Dvd Upconverting Bluray Player

Two writings on PAT Chiesavecchia

Among my papers, I just found two pages written by Patrick, together with the printout of an e-mail that she receives from Claudio Calvenzana September 26, 2001 entitled: I: project. The first sheet
Patrick is entitled "Project Old Church - The Marta" is also dated September 2001, apparently because the letter of Claudius refers to this, Pariza providing information on how to draw up a plan (objectives, phases , supporters, staff, curriculum, etc.). So here we are at the time immediately following the purchase of the field Chiesavecchia. The first sheet
Patrick begins "Dear" and has the form of a letter of invitation to participate in exhibitions and events in Chiesavecchia to be held in August 2002 (and still not called Arts in the field). This text takes the sentences in the previous one.

Below I reprint in full the two documents, which I think are useful to confirm and clarify the intentions of Patrick over what to do on the field of Chiesavecchia ... and also against the occurrence of associated structures, which are precisely the themes of our next meeting on Oct. 29. A


The project involves the construction of a place where you can meet artists, designers, craftsmen who have the desire to intervene works with ideas, seminars, etc..

place has already been purchased: 0.730 with a land has a ruin that was originally a parish church (hence the name Old Church), the first human settlement of the country.

The resort is Murcia (Gr) a small village of 300 inhabitants distributed in the surrounding countryside.

The aim is therefore to create a harmonious space where the human presence does not interferes with the nature of the area. Any installations, various interventions have to be so in respect of this nature.

The objectives are: Socio-cultural

because the place will become a gathering place of works and actions of people of various nationalities will be visiting by schools, groups, public and private associations.

because life will be held in harmony with nature. Therefore the land will be treated according to organic and biodynamic.
Rainwater will be collected about the most possible and then be reused for irrigation and for household cleaning and personal. Regarding drinking water, this will be collected prsso public fountains of the country.
The toilets will be built according to the method vietnarnita which provides for the anaerobic process of composting of faeces.
gngie waters, those resulting from rinsing dishes and various cleaning, do not contain detergents (soap only) and can be reused for watering plants. Even
for electricity is expected to install a solar panel.

========= Dear friends, our
with this, we wish to know the fact that it was founded
a central meeting place for persons wishing to express themselves creatively using the most
variety of expressive techniques.

The site is located near Murcia, a small village of 300 inhabitants of the Maremma hills and it is a plot of approx. one hectare, already inhabited by Patrick Melandri and, occasionally, by Luciano Ghersi. The place name is Old Church - The Martha, the name assigned to it by the time that these are the first human settlement, from Satumia, who stopped in this area.
MeIandri Patrick is a native of Genoa and is artistic compositions with textiles (tapestries, paintings, curtains, quilts, sculptures of cloth).
Luciano Ghersi is internationally renowned weaver, also Genoese by birth.

On the ground are already in the works of Lapo Simeoni, a young emerging artist in the field of graffiti artist Veronica Finch assembiaggio of various objects found in nature and not, by Luciano Ghersi with the installation of its Afro-frame.
The houses are basically on wheels, for the moment we have a caravan and a trailer. The toilet is outside but suitably repair, according to the Vietnamese method provides a system of anaerobic composting. Rainwater is collected in tanks so they can be used for personal cleaning, home, garden and the future for the garden. The power is provided, for the moment, a solar panel and a generator. The place is just born and you are welcome to visit and to intervene with your ideas and works. Contact us on 347 7953818

Patrick Melandri - Old Church - 58050 Murcia - Gr

Sunday, October 9, 2005

Speech For An Anniversary Of A Company

Association, October 29

Hello friends, admirers, family and accomplices of Patrick.

Whether we have more or less digested in mourning for his death, could give us in any case a little 'to do to grow not only his memory but also its unique intentions, that Patrick always wanted to share, implying, thrilling and even angering many people as possible ... and even in this, you can see his track.

has been mentioned already this summer, including Dalù, Philip, Luciano Nicolas and me and we got the idea to found an association. The statute would allow us more associative presentability than the inevitable reality of the institutions and also to take more initiatives.
addition, the state associated with it allow for more sharing of decisions and responsibilities.
Whether you agree with this our idea of \u200b\u200bthe Association or who has different ideas, we invite you to meet all together, just Chiesavecchia, next Saturday, October 29 to 17 (so there is still light and you see everything there is in-bounds. Not sure to bring your contribution to proposals as well as, of course, snack, beverage, music and more.

ASSOCIATION The Association would not profit, may be "cultural association" or better "ONLUS "(non-profit social organization), because non-profit organizations have less tax obligations. It must be justified by a" memorandum "signed by the" Founding Members "along with the" Statute ", which defines the purpose and the rules of the Association.

The association Artincampo ONLUS "(?) Aims to continue to develop and disseminate the various situations which arise or which entered the field of Chiesavecchia, according to the letter and spirit of the" Agreement "of 2001 which reads in full :
"We, the undersigned Patrick Melandri and Luciano Ghersi, in the presence of Eva Basile established in faith and friendship in the name of law and law on the anniversary of David Lazzaretti, in the presence of this nature that is the witness of everything and judge, to live and live to this fund (referred to in the protocol: the Old Church), the first human settlement certificate in Murcia (municipality of Scansano, Grosseto). Old Church of Murcia, August 18, 2001 "
In particular, the Association has as its purposes:
- Enhancement of the artistic work of textile art, performer and poet Patrick Melandri, including his works, writings and documents.
- Enhancement the artistic work of the painter Bruno Melandri, including his works, writings and documents.
- the continuation and development of "Arts in the field", festival artists artists and not atypical of fresh air "in all its creative aspects , performances, exhibitions, training and socializing.
- The export of the concept of "Arts in the field" and extends to cultural and educational events and situations, can also be made elsewhere.

We can indulge in the details, but in general, there is a shareholders' meeting that periodically elects a board of directors will take the books with entries and exits, you write the minutes of Board meetings and assemblies, are elected for Controller (Probe Viri) with the task of checking that no one has made a mess.
In fact, this can be tedious but it ensures transparency and may reduce the gossip.

's all for now.
Please read this message to anyone in CO can affect and perhaps, a photocopy or emailed to you.
Please outsource your opinion on the Internet, to start immediately discussion. It is not difficult to go to post "Association, October 29" and write a "comment" Please
, especially come October 29 Chiesevecchia

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Shahid Afridi Sherwani

Reports and Perspectives

Si and 'just finished the fourth summer edition of Art In Campo. Incredibilmete, and it 'made everything in the program. The cow and Eve 'was covered with colorful felt, then wrapped in "bubble" waiting for transportation that will bring' the Cow Parade in Florence. After the Saharawi, and that you 'already written here, and Daniel Potter have occupied their domes shadow. Already built on the chassis for Saharrawi, Laura, Zino and Silvia have attempted to weave carpets, while niche specializing balls to wrap more and more perfect. Silvia also playing with a BrandaMaglia and e ', by the way, psychotherapist and lecturer in art therapy at La Sapienza. Luciano also finally was able to weave some carpet on her own, using the technique Saharawi: essential experience of thinking in your hands, so he who must direct the Workshop Dayle, in November, finished Ramadan. The celebration of full moon and 'well managed, with the Exhibition of Paintings by Bruno Melandri exposed on the outside wall of a whole wagon of Van Gogh,' cause that Patrick was not on. But perhaps the installation and 'success even more ... The evening itself and 'reactivated with music by Philip and Savino and free dance, the nave of the church, except for a 'bedding reserved Squarrone clover, sown at the time with balls Seeds Free flowering then, just a day after the departure of Patrick. Now the flowers have gone to seed and those who will live 'then you'll see' How To Throw ... Perhaps it should also remember that it is not 'not the first time dancing and partying in a church: it seems incredible, but you always did ... e'e so true that the bishops will continue to be prohibited until 1800 ... then they invent the dance halls and churches will empty. This history does not teach it in school. Returning to the Free Semi well to test the aampiamente Hammocks Park, Zino and company have produced several balls that spread across the territory of Chiesavecchia in October (first autumn meeting of Arts in Campo, then see here in the blog). Lapo has left us a beautiful rocky crater of land art. Has' raised the first wall to dry between church and wagon, which provided the basis for a rich buffet party. Even when Sky finally arrived, the 28, the inclement weather had turned the church into a swimming pool, before and after the swamp. So
'the show with the whole history of Aldo Fabrizi, seasoned with tasty and just as tasty amatriciana film clip, and is' transferred all covered in the shed of Bellavista, just at the end of Murcia. Almost a premonition of the near future Bellavista Festival ...

After Patrick us apparently left, we will try to make more 'people together and the objectives of Arts in Field, looking to expand well beyond Chiesavecchia. Probably at the end of October or a non-profit organization formed a committee, which will allow us to breathe a bit 'more' freely. Of course, we accept members or partners, we will see how to put it.
After that there would be a Christmas, between Christmas and New Year, to celebrate and support the bright future of the arts in Campo

Friday, August 12, 2005

I Like Looking At My Mums Boobs

who comes and who goes

The Saharawi are departed last night, after having made her drink three hundred thousand tonnes and after having been the ' attack of a million crickets that creep into their tent at night from 1001. meanwhile, a plot hatched with their art Contemporary folk, which comes from the Sahara Desert in November (notice the Intelligence Services: anything illegal, we are very advanced + terrorists). The tent from 1001 night that left free, was immediately occupied by the fiberglass cow. Sorry for Dani and Harry, who must settle for the car.

remember the feast day of 19 hours from 19, where they play PHILIP and SAVINO, probably in the church (old)

Monday, August 8, 2005

Watch South Park Without Flash Drive


E 'weaving workshop started with the Saharawi women. In comfortable tents set up for them, and now 'was mounted a vertical frame and the work and' started.
The end date and 'was taken August 13, Saturday. Meanwhile
and 'was conducted at the Chiesavecchia cow that will be' fully lined with felt.
Do not forget to signal your presence through the post "I come ank'io" found below and come-opening party on August 19!

Monday, August 1, 2005

How Many Snow Chains Do U Need For A Car


Welcome BlogRO of Arts in Campo,
atypical of the festival artists and non artists open
"among the green hills that surround Saturn."

If you haven 'for visiting our site
Chiesavecchia ,
them go' that tells you:
- previous editions of "Art in the Field"
- what will 'happen from 2 to August 28
next - how and where to find us.

So what good is this blog?
- to keep us updated on what and '
just happened - and what will happen'.

If you're going to come too,
to do, see, eat or simply
- Add a comment to the Post I come ank'io

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Do Have To Have A Prescription To Buy Catheters


would die without permission forbidden you dead yet
himself in the music of cicadas irreducible
continues ...
ago 'n ass ants

you stay forever here to send us the magic of the

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Energy Drink Distribution

Saharawi in the field, how and why I come

Luciano Ghersi - Cultural Association Coordination Weavers Training in project Maima
textile - handicraft cooperatives Saharawi

I experience more 'than twenty years of weaving by hand looms of various types and various traditions. I have designed, constructed or adapted many of these frames in person. I am convinced that the design of the fabric (fabric, carpet or tapestry that is) depends primarily by the equipment. Without knowing what it 'equipment, tissue paper and draw a' painting an abstract exercise. Each design "created" on the paper then asks the weaver an actual design work, 'cause he will accomplish his own equipment and to his skill'. In fact, what 'usually happens in the system of fashion designer conceives abstract idea on paper, but they are the artisans that develop, modify it and then realize it in practice. So 'they produce an article, then, of course, the designer will sign' ... and so 'you can' bring to market.
On the contrary, I consider essential to creativity 'concrete craftsman, with his ability' and with its equipment. In this way, I could design and build (cooperatively) Various designs and fabric types with artisans in India, Sri Lanka and Africa (in Ghana). In this same way, I weave the disabled, students, artists and children.

When I consulted for the design of the Saharawi weaving, I proposed a field mission to ascertain the skills' available equipment and materials (yarns) can be found on the Algerian market, and also to trace designs and expressive forms of popular culture Saharawi, traditional or modern it is. These designs and shapes emerge not only in weaving but also in various activities' expressive, artistic or lowly regarded, depending on your point of view: the drawings on the body ("Tattoo"), to jewelry, colors and shapes of clothes, utensils , dwellings and the trappings of cattle, to the ephemeral decorations that adorn the holidays ... 'cause folk art is not confined to museums.
course, this "software" popular culture, it is then applied and adapted to the hard-ware "of weaving and that means': with the frames, possibly traditional looms and you can build the field. Otherwise, you might also propose an appropriate technological development. But it must be, in fact, a development appropriate to the situation on the ground and therefore ': takeover by the Saharawi craftsmen (or artisans, perhaps), without relying on imported equipment and spare parts.
should also be considered if the job will go 'played at home, in places spontaneously aggregate or in specific structures such as craft centers or schools. These different spaces, of course, affect the time (full, partial or periodic) of the activity ', the type of people that may involve (single, married, older, more' or less educated), with their different skills'. All of these factors, of course, also affect the type of products to design and implement.

When I was contacted to design the Saharawi texture, so I offered to a field mission that would last at least a month, with the primary objective to investigate the aspects listed above and the second objective is to organize a textile workshop in the field, where were produced immediately of textile samples and prototypes, aimed at the marketing fair.
The evolution of the project of Miami, with its inclusion in the Draft Framework Saharawi has somehow enriched my primitive setting. In fact, on the occasion of? Saharawi hospitality of four women, in Tuscany for two months, I and 'was proposed to organize a course here and for their prior training. This course will be 'held this summer in Maremma, in the center of agricultural futuristic Chiesavecchia in Murcia (Scansano, GR). The situation will be 'somewhat similar to that of the Saharawi camps,' cause you are staying and working in the open country, with limited water resources and with minimal infrastructure. I hope that here the Saharawi women feel more 'at home and thus can' show many creative aspects of their nomadic lifestyle (later, refugees).
E 'on this ability' to survive, adapting and striving in poor environments, which I intend to base relations training and design of our fabrics. In the field, in Maremma, will available frames of various kinds, variously also present in the Maghreb as well 'as in West Africa. Together we will choose the models most 'appropriate and feasible tissue samples of the yarns with presumably similar to those found from the camps in Algeria. This course work, along with the harmony of the group, who will share 'with the teacher technical experiments, an artistic and (not least) everyday life, can' be of great use 'for further work on the real field (in Algeria), which sets up in the autumn.

Florence, July 17, 2005 - also published in full text on

Monday, July 4, 2005

Welcome And Greetings Religious


If you're going to come too,
to do, see, eat or simply