Friday, June 11, 2010

Cubefield Smal Screen

Lemon Swing Collection

Gracias a mi super rubia polaquita Iza Stepska apper Clément ya!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Theater Themed Bedroom

Shoes ... frou frou ...

not know about you, but I enchants me before the windows of children's items. There are things
strardinaria so special, cute, funny and the girls then! Have to do is have fun!

And then I could not stand before these shoes for the little one at home!
But they are not delicious? With sequins on! ...

I was told that the shoes give small children brings them luck: it is a wish to follow in life so peaceful and secure. I hope so! I honestly did not know of this issue ... Maybe because I'm a long time before the windows of footwear ... probably because I have with them a love / hate you!
I like, especially those high, parading ... But then I can walk there and then I aspire to always be barefoot! :-)

Fortunately this time the stakes have worked very well: the day after the shipment of the package was a target ... THANKS!
To accompany the delivery of these shoes, I made a card very "girly". All hand-eh!

In reality the implementation is simple: the base of the chair is a semicircle, the top is a quarter circle. (I dusted off the old school compass!)
The rest are embellishments found in the house: from wedding favors tulle, ribbon and tape residue some sewing.
Except the buttons that are somewhere swap, but I do not remember by whom. I apologize!
The strip of decorative paper cut with scissors was a necessity ... um ... um .... I had done a bit of overhang, and then glue the crayon had soiled everything. Thank goodness that the clippings do not throw scraps ever! :-)

Decorative Corner Punch and dark pink swab to dab the edges ...

Et Volia! The card is made!


Friday, June 4, 2010

Sample Proposal For Tv Programme Presentation

From radio to ... blog!

For years I had breakfast in the morning or I'm dressed and I went to work listening
"Fabio and Flame and the beam in the eye."
A transmission and very pleasant, but very nice. Even today when I hear the name VITO, is automatic in my mind listening Viitooo - Vito - Vito! " Mobile phone ring tone Flame during his "love" with Vito.
And still aspire to a real and serious
, as so often has told Fabio.

Then the transmission as it had been understood for years closed to become a "place of the heart," but at this point I admit, I do not listen to more with the same pleasure of the past.

And finally since January this year in honor of a sort of cultural leveling and free spirit of the radio towards the television (but if I wanted to hear the same crap I watched television and listened to the radio, right?), transmission has finally closed its doors.
Some time ago, surfing the blog of
I found the blog of
Flame. I started reading it, curiously, seemed to have found a friend of long ago. In fact it was my companion for many mornings.
I discovered his illness, told with the lightness and sensitivity that has been characterized. I also had confirmation of imbecility of the human race (and if you are going to read his blog you'll understand why). It 's a very nice and interesting blog. A pleasant reading.
Personally I have a special relationship with the friendship and unfortunately take a lot of corners.
E 'probable that the fault is mine, I tend to be somewhat exclusive (you can say? Mah!) And are anchored to the principles in the management of these relationships, so much tax. And this is a fault because sometimes I see black or white, never shades of gray. And so then I feel bad for the disappointment ... The maritozzi says I have to be lighter and take people for who they are without high expectations. He's right, but why is it so difficult?
Anyway I'm going to quote that made the flame, I found it very beautiful. I did not know the writer, but now I'll look into the library.
out the full text as quoted in the blog Flame

"A friend, a 'friend. There are no rules, but insights. The friendship you are on the side, never over. Not be judged, not recommended. Prepare a plate of spaghetti with fillets of fresh tomatoes and basil, extra virgin olive oil, everything raw and you are his friend. In front of a DVD that you might like. We respect the silence, heavy with tears unexploded. We laugh together, not trying to make people laugh. If crying does not console us, you a big hug. We are told, is also said to us that sometime that day. You will hear, above all. It serves good wine and fill the glasses. It changes the subject, back on subject. It turns off the TV and starts the music. Plan, to make room for the words or silence. Take an ice cream flavors and discussing favorite. Speak ill of men, and then speak well. It speaks ill of women, and then love them yet. We discard the ideas of suicide and offers us volunteers to kill him. The question of how you would prefer. Laughter. And they say: sleep here with me, if you want. Tomorrow you a nice breakfast. "(Cecilia Resio)>>

Beautiful is not it?
