Sunday, November 13, 2005

Canon A640 Kijiji Canada

Minutes of the October 29

Minutes of the meeting
"APPOINTMENT October 29 & x PATRIZIA Chiesavecchia"

This meeting had been agreed at the end of last August between Dalù, Philip, Nicholas and Luciano, to deal with the future of Arts in Field and Chiesavecchia, evaluating the hypothesis of an association which had as its founding purpose:
- Enhancement of the artistic work of textile art, performer and poet Patrick Melandri, including his works, writings and documents.
- Enhancement of the artistic work of the painter Bruno Melandri, including his works, writings and documents.
- the continuation and development of "Arts In Campo, the festival is not unusual for artists and artists under the open sky, in all its creative aspects, performances, exhibitions, training and socializing.
- The export of the concept of "Arts in the field" and extends to cultural and educational events and situations, can also be made elsewhere.

The list stated above is extracted from the paper invitation entitled "APPOINTMENT October 29 & x PATRIZIA Chiesavecchia" mailed to several people close to Patrick and / or limbs in the field, with a further invitation to spread the message to whatever might be of interest.
This invitation was sent by mail, SMS and reaffirmed, even Bernd W. We were unable to send mail to Mauro M. and Carla F. (Which are the other two people most involved in the legacies of Patrick), why did not respond when asked to SMS their postal address. They have however received a second text message, even with the link to read the text of the paper invitation Arts On Golf Blog, where you can also write and publish their own opinion. All three Porson did not communicate in any way, agreement or opposition to the initiative.

On October 29, 2005 met in Chiesavecchia Christa D. , Dalu P. , Luciano G. , Philip S. , Yvonne R. also Paul P. that (with the permission of Berndt) is currently staying in the caravan with the adjoining cottage Pat.

Paul reported that all the works of Pat, along with managers from the father, Bruno, were evicted from the Berndt bandwagon is placed in front of Caravan. Paul has the firm intention "to treat it well this little house" is taking care of small repairs to the roof of the car and uses a Maid for house cleaning.

Dalu, coesecutrice testamentary Pat said that there is no mandate to promote and expose the works of Bruno but simply to keep them for Giorgio's niece, until his age.
Approved by all.

Luciano introduced the idea to found an association (or ONLUS Cultural) Arts in Campo, reiterating that "the association would allow us greater presentability than the inevitable reality of the institutions" and, on the other hand, "allow for more sharing decisions and responsibility. "
Nobody has said otherwise, but no one seems willing to get personally involved in its management. Thus, the Association will not be not well founded. This does not exclude the availability of any individual to collaborate in future initiatives, "Art in the Field."
Approved by all.

Philip said, however, must be protected the name, concept and design of "Arts in the Field", although it can be extended to cultural and educational events and situations, can also be made elsewhere. Therefore is responsible for registering a site on the Internet "artincampo" to certify and document passed and future activities.
Approved by all.

As for "the exploitation of the artistic work of Patricia Melandri, including his works, writings and documents," Dalu said we could hold its first exhibition in Grosseto, possibly with the help of Lapo S. To this end, it may also form a committee (even without register the Notary) to raise funds by public agencies, sponsors and individuals.
Since the works of Pat are in the care of Carla F. You must ask for his consent to be able to dispose of works in time for the show.
Approved by all.

He also talked about the need to scrap the old Pat's van parked in the field, with the consent and cooperation of Mauro F.
Approved by all.

Nicola Luciano and launched the idea of \u200b\u200ba winter festival in the Old Church, on Christmas and New Year. Apart from the revelry and cultural events overlapping, this party would serve well to start and expand a collection of ideas, attendance and effort in Arts Camp 2006. For a minimum ogranizzare accogienza this winter festival, will move the wagon Luciano downstream by three meters (where now the land is cleared), we will install a wood stove, and outside of the truck, we will set up a shelter would conflict of the poles in the ground.
Approved by all.

Luciano has proposed to collect gii e-mail addresses of all the defendants, to send a report of the meeting and to facilitate any communication.
Approved by all.

During the meeting, presented by Bernd W. but has decided not to participate.